Holy Cow Is It 2013 Already???

Holy Cow Is It 2013 Already???

At this time of the year people usually reflect on the year before. Things that should have been done and things that did happen. Is there a reason to have regrets?  Maybe that is what drives us to make change. At this time I would hate to break the tradition so I do...
Road ghosts?

Road ghosts?

Another phenomenon up here in cold country is the wind blowing snow across the road. It looks like the vapor you see from dry ice. It is very eerie looking as a person drives down the road. As it floats across the road it hides any black ice that may be on the road...
Welcome to the First Blog Post

Welcome to the First Blog Post

As I write my first blog post I have in the back of my mind the snow fall warning of today. The thermometer says -10C but it really feels like -17C. I want to go out shooting around the neighbourhood with all the snow coming down and the lovely frost on all the trees....
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