There is many techniques that can be learned in Photoshop and a person just has to search for the right instructional videos to learn them. Today’s post is about the technique called the fake tilt-shift. There is a lens called a tilt-shift lens and it can take a picture that will make the items in the photo look like Matchbox toys. But it can be done in Photoshop without owning an actual tilt-shift lenses. If you would like to give it a try you may go to this link and try it out for yourself. Take the poll: [polldaddy poll=6968144]
Interesting! I really love your shots using the procedure you’ve shared here.
Thank you for stopping by. It is exciting learning new PS procedures. I will give it a whirl again in the near future.
Very interesting – I’m wondering if I might be able to do this kind of thing in Lightroom as well with a graduated filter. Hmmmm — Might have to test this out – Thanks for the tip.
I would love to know how you make out with this. I love lightroom and I am trying to intergrate photoshop more. I do most things in Lightroom.