ˈmenˌtôr,ˈmenˌtər/ noun: mentor; plural noun: mentors 1. an experienced and trusted adviser. example sentence: “he was her friend and mentor until his death in 1915” Synonyms: adviser, guide, guru, counselor, consultant; confidant(e) 2. an experienced person in a company, college, or school who trains and counsels new employees or students. Synonyms: trainer, teacher, tutor, instructor verb: mentor; 3rd person present: mentors; past tense: mentored; past participle: mentored; gerund or present participle: mentoring 1. advise or train (someone, especially a younger colleague).
I remember that day. It was just after a Photowalk. We were at the local pub with the other Walkers. You had asked me if I wanted to shoot a football game with you at the local football field. My first time shooting any football. I was too excited at the prospect of shooting a real football game, that I couldn’t drink the draft beer I just ordered. My instructions you (my mentor/friend) gave me were to follow the ball, shoot with an aperture of 2.8 with auto ISO enabled. Have the shutter set to at least 1000.
I was set, I was going to get those great shots that my mentor got. It was a day that brought me no end of thrills but yes, disappointments too. My photos weren’t anything like I envisioned them to be. I really wanted to excel. I didn’t. But it was a start. My focusing needed help. I needed to learn the game more so I could anticipate the plays. My post processing needed work. He helped me through that too. By the end of the game I got that taste for football. Now it is an obsession. I look forward when football season comes around again.

Is that because of my mentor/friend? Maybe. I do enjoying the journey of learning. Since that football game I have been given the opportunity to shoot a football game for enumeration. I have been welcomed to the field by fellow photographers who I have gotten to know including those from the local newspapers. I have shot in excruciating heat 40C all the way to very cold -10C and in the snow and rain. I have shot women’s, men’s and high school football. I haven’t always done 100% but every time I have improved my skills and thoroughly loved each and every game.

When I first started with sports photography I dabbled in hockey and a bit of baseball. But because of my friend/mentor, I have widened my experiences through the opportunities he has brought me to. There was the football yes, but there was other opportunities, such as car racing, dirt bike racing, snowboarding, skiing, basketball and even an air show.

I even got to shoot a professional lacrosse game. It was the last game of the of the playoff and the local team won. Which brought everyone on to the field with confetti pouring down on everyone. The cheering from the fans in the stands was deafening. It was all very exciting. That experience I will remember for a very long time. I have found though I really love the car racing. The sound of the cars, the speed, the smells from the pits, the speed. Did I mention the speed?

I have even had the courage to strike out on my own with other sports events such as Curling, Rodeos, Kayaking, Flat Track Motocross racing, Chuckwagon races, Dance Showcase, Highland Dancing, etc.

Though I do take different kinds of photos, sports photography has always been my true love. The thrill of capturing the action in a single photo is exciting.

Some of my sports pictures have won awards within the Small Newspaper of Saskatchewan Association.

My goal has been to shoot a Saskatchewan Roughriders game. If it happens, great, if it doesn’t happen, it is okay, because by constantly trying to get there, I will be improving my skills and that isn’t a bad thing.
I see different photographers claiming that they are ‘self taught’ They may not have had the luxury of going to school or in my case having a mentor but I dare them to say they haven’t watched a YouTube video, read an eBook, a regular book or read a newsletter from a photographer they follow. By doing that, you are being taught by someone else. Heck even reading a manual from your camera which was written by someone else, you are seeking outside help. So in light of this I don’t believe anyone is ‘self taught’. We all need a little, to a lot of help, from time to time and I for one, boast this fact. The knowledge I have received from my Mentor/Friend has been invaluable. It also helps he is an excellent teacher and is patient.

You can see the rest of my sports photos here: I will be adding more as my journey continues. Wish me luck.