Dear Kitty. Some Blog has so graciously nominated this blog for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Thank you for this unexpected sentiment. I am truly thankful that you went out of your way to nominate my blog.
The rules of this award are:
Thank and link back to the blogger who has nominated you, then post the award logo to your blog, write a post on the nomination and nominate and link to 15 other very inspiring bloggers. Notify them; and tell 7 things about yourself.
7 Things about myself:
1. I live on the Prairies in Saskatchewan, Canada. Even though the Prairies have its own unique beauty I miss my real home which is on the west coast of British Columbia. That is where I wold like to move back to one day.
2. I love Photography with all the challenges it provides but I only do it part time. I would love for it to be a full time affair but at this point in my life I need the other part time job I hold which is a dispatcher/office clerk for our local para-transit bus.
3. I have been married to my wonderful husband for 29 years.
4. I have 2 children. A girl and a boy. Both of which are red heads.
5. I have 4 sisters and 1 brother
6. I have caught the travel bug and I would like to do more of it. Besides seeing a lot of Canada I have also seen a lot of the USA as well as Scotland, England, and most recently Tasmania.
7. My best friend lives in Tasmania and we have been friends for 41 years.
My 15 nominees are:
1. gonerustic
2. The Worlds top 10 of Anything and Everything!!!
4. PJ Paintings
8. Long Exposure Portrait Photography
12. Andrew’s Blog
14. Looking For Reason To A Complicated World
15. Allthesmolthings
Thank you so, so much for this award but I am afraid I have already been nominated for it and attached it to my website, but I still am very grateful for you choosing me and a little bit honoured to have it again so I will follow the rules and pass it on. I hope this is OK.
This is OK but your blog being nominated twice is well deserved!
Thank you so much for nominating me for this award 🙂
Thank you for your wonderful efforts put in your blog!
Well deserved 🙂
Thank you
Thank you for nominating Andrew’s Blog. It needs all the attention it can get.
No thank you Andrew for having such a wonderful blog!! I look forward to reading many more wonderful ones!
Thank you so kindly for your nomination Averil, that really really means a lot to us!
It was well deserved!