The decision was made to make a trip north from Hobart to Binalong Bay. We will rent a house for 2 days and enjoy what the area has to offer. Then the comment “And of course we will stop at Mt Elephant and get the famous pancakes”. Woe stop right there. You mean we are going to have pancakes in the afternoon and we have to go off the regular road to get there? The answer was “Yes, they are world famous and so delicious!” They are pancakes, how good can they be? Well I do like adventures so I figured world famous must mean something so I was game for it.
I was enjoying the scenery along side the road when we took the turn that would eventually take us to this restaurant. By this time I was very hungry but I was happy I had nothing in me when we drove on the winding roads to reach Mt Elephant. Finally we arrived at the parking lot only to be greeted by this sign. At first I thought “How Rude!” But after examining it I thought these people have a wonderful sense of humour. I need to go inside and see what it is all about. I went inside to find a quaint restaurant and a nice gift shop. There adorning the gift shop were these wonderful carved elephant chairs. Sadly one of them had a broken tusk from guests being to rough with it. But nevertheless it added to the mystery of the restaurant. See here a picture of one of the chairs.
We sat down and were greeted by a wonderful waitress who presented us with menus that were filled with many, many different possibilities. We could have supper/lunch items with the pancakes or have what we considered traditional, dessert style. I opted for dessert style and so did the rest of the party. I had the apple cinnamon and my husband had the blueberry/raspberry combo with ice cream. P
ictured here. Coming from Canada we were used to the round flat pancake and then loaded on top with maple syrup from Ontario and berries and maybe whip cream. This was very different. It was like a crepe’ but a little thicker in nature. Yes I did eat the whole pancake and any hunger pains I did have were totally gone by the end of the meal. The meal was definitely worth the extra ride. I am now one of the former patrons that will recommend this wonderful place. As it goes when at a restaurant, after eating and drinking tea, we needed to seek the facilities. This was one of the drawbacks of the place. We had to go out and use an outhouse type building but alas they still were flush toilets and very clean. So if that is a drawback then you can see the adventure was very satisfactory and I highly recommend this little well known place. It is like the best unkept secret in Tasmania. Check out their website for more information and a copy of the menu.
PS No I am not affiliated with the restaurant nor do they even know I am writing this.
Hmmm. . . sounds like some great pancakes. Glad you had fun!
I also thank you for stopping by. Come back anytime